Sunday, July 22, 2012


hi. This is a picture from a really funny show i watch. It is a gnome named Shmepulock throwing up rainbows. Why do i think this is so funny?

Friday, July 20, 2012

~first post~

I guess this is my first post. I've had this blog for a long time and have had no idea what to post on it, so i finally decided i was over thinking it. I'm going to put whatever I feel like, because I don't really care about this blog getting famous or whatever. I'm going to put drawings I drew, my favorite shows, and weird photos I took like these shown above. Let me explain. My family, my friend and I were going to go to IKEA when i had the urge to bring this monkey. On the way there I was waving the monkey out of the window and taking pictures of him looking out of the window. (by the way i am not 5) The first one is my favorite, i took it when we parked in the parking garage and i threw the monkey on the ground. I like it because it is just unexpected and dark and has a certain feeling to it. Or I'm just crazy. Wow, I wrote a lot. It's raining so I'll probably post again today.